3 Signs You’re Not a Shower Beer Person

3 Signs You're Not a Shower Beer Person

The whole shower beer thing was a surprise to me, but I tried to have an open mind about and gave it a try. The results? I’m not a shower beer guy. Here’s how you can know if you aren’t either.

Why Your Brand Does NOT Make Good Beer

You can't stand out with the same brand as everyone else

What’s the number one answer a brewer will give you when you ask what their brand is all about? Making great beer. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but that’s the wrong answer.

Well Played, Guinness – or, How to Use Incentives

Guinness Draws You in with new Untappd Badge

Now, I like Guinness, and I’ve enjoyed trying some of their new/throwback recipes, but I don’t honestly drink it that often. But when I saw the email I found myself thinking, “Hmm, am I gonna do this? I could probably do this…”

Why Do Beer Pods and a Beer Keurig Sound So Wrong?

The beer machines are coming. Why does it seem so wrong?

We are entering a phase of the craft beer revolution in which beer is beginning to look more like Starbucks coffee than, say, your local bakery’s specialty cinnamon rolls, and it’s not clear how we should feel about it.

5 Reasons You Should Write a Book

5 Reasons You Should Write a Book

How do you know you’ve hit a moment in your life or career when you should write a book? Yes, people still read books, and here are 5 reasons they should be reading YOUR book.

7 Reasons You May Be Ready to Write a Book

6 Reasons You May be Ready to Write a Book

You can find lots of advice on how to write a book, but how do you know if you’re ready to write a book? Here are a few ways you can begin to take the journey to authorship, be it for a business book, hobby book, memoir, or anything else.

Don’t Read More – Read Better

Don't read more - read better

I love to read, and I plan to read a lot this year, but here are three-ish reasons you should not worry about reading “more” this year.