
At some point, you have to say enough is enough and release your book into the world. But don’t worry, your trusty editor can still be of more service to you. 


Book Proposals


Proofreading typically happens right before your book goes to print. We’ve moved away from Word and into InDesign, so we’re working from a PDF, now, and some changes will have an impact on how your text flows on the page. It’s still better to take the time and catch any errors than to let a typo or weird line break make it into print.

Book Proposals

Agents are busy people who need to make strategic choices about which books have potential to actually make a sale. A strong proposal shows them that you take the business of publishing seriously and understand how your book fits into the market. 

Featured image by Photo by Hulki Okan Tabak on Unsplash
Background images by Mathew Schwartz on Unsplash