Craft Veterans Share Two Secrets to Staying Relevant at CBC

Craft Veterans Share Two Secrets to Staying Relevant at CBC

Craft Veterans Share Two Secrets to Staying Relevant at CBC

The Craft Brewers Conference and Brew Expo America this year featured far more fascinating panels than I could attend, but certainly a highlight was the panel, “Staying Relevant After All These Years,” which featured craft veterans Natalie Cilurzo of Russian River, Chris Cramer of Karl Strauss, John Martin of Drake’s, and David Walker of Firestone Walker.

All these folks have been doing this for 20 to 30 years or so, meaning they have seen their share of ups and downs and know a thing or two about how to stay relevant for their customer base.

Interestingly enough, the presenters’ comments all kept coming back to two key ideas that they saw as central to staying relevant, though not necessarily in the way you might expect.

But I want you to get the whole story, so check out my write-up about the panel on to learn more.