5 Reasons You Should Write a Book

5 Reasons You Should Write a Book

5 Reasons You Should Write a Book

 Is a book the next step for you in your career or in your personal journey?

When you reach a certain degree of success and expertise in your business, or when you’ve had exceptional experiences or overcome great obstacles in your life, you should consider writing a book.

“A book?” you say. “Who reads books anymore?”

Well, it turns out about 3/4 of Americans read books, and there are a lot of us Americans.

And we’re publishing lots of books, too. Despite the rise of digital publishing, print books sales are actually growing, especially adult nonfiction.

Books on leadership, starting a business, marketing, work-life balance, and innovation are all popular in the business market, while books on hobbies, personal narratives/memoirs, and self-help books are perennially strong in general nonfiction.

Should you, then, write a book? Here are 5 reasons you probably should.

1. You Want to Establish Your Authority in a Subject Area

If you know enough to help others, then you have authority. If you have a product or service, then you probably know enough about it to help others decide whether to invest in it. That’s authority, too.

Nowadays, we begin to establish authority through our websites and social media channels, but a book is still seen as the “ultimate business card.” It’s instant authority that breeds trust while providing real value for an audience.

This is a popular motivation for podcasters and other online, personal brand entrepreneurs whose businesses depend upon demonstrating competence and earning trust.

2. You Want to Engage Your Brand’s Best Customers

Your best customers are already interested in what you publish through your website and social media, but a book can give them a very personal connection by bringing them closer to your story than ever before.

When your readers share what they’ve read with their friends, they become brand ambassadors with your name on their lips. The next time they or their friends have a buying decision to make, they’ll recognize your brand because they’ve been talking about it.

Moreover, having a book grants prestige to your brand for people who are just learning about you. If I walk into a brewery and see that the owner has a book, I’m going to think they are an established business helmed by a real professional.

3. You Want to Speak, Consult, or Teach

Podcasters, entrepreneurs, successful business owners, or even inspirational speakers all benefit from the authority a book grants them.

When an event planner looks for speakers on your topic and find your site with your book, they will think, “Ah, here’s someone who knows enough about this to write a book!”


Writing a book puts you in a small category of people who have established expertise on a subject and who have demonstrated that they have something to share. That makes you very attractive for speaking at libraries, universities, conferences, and so on.

It also suggests that you can take the knowledge you’ve shared and apply it to specific circumstances as a consultant. Sure, they could read the book and figure it out on their own, but for some folks it will be easier to just bring you in to do it for them.

4. You Want to Go on Record – or Set the Record Straight

Whenever you accomplish something truly remarkable, people are going to, well, remark on it. That’s often how rumors get started. However harmless the rumor may be, you may want to go on record with your own experience or with the facts of the case so that at least there’s a single source people can reference who want to know the truth.

If the rumors are outright wrong or harmful, then a book can be a powerful tool for setting the record straight. It’s a way to say, “All right, I don’t know what you’ve heard, exactly, but here’s the real story behind my business or experience.”

5. You Have a Story That Will Benefit Others

Whether you have built a successful business or just had a full or momentous life, you could have a story that will benefit others. Your story may be informative and educational, or it may be inspiring and edifying. It may help new business owners to succeed, or it may help people going through a similar life event or circumstance to survive and thrive. It may move readers to take actions in their own lives to make the world a better place.

These are all great reasons to record your story in a book.


If one of these reasons resonates with your life, then the only thing holding you back from writing a book is yourself. Well, that and probably a host of questions you have and problems you can foresee.

But, nowadays, you don’t have to go it alone. A good editor can help you stay organized and get your manuscript into publishable shape. A good ghost writer can take your story and put it into words in your voice. Either can help you find the story in the first place.

If you have a story to share with the world, let’s set up a time to talk.